NEW BOOK! How shall we escape if we neglect such a great salvation?


Proverbs 17:22 says, a merry heart does good like a medicine…

Laughter is God’s Medicine, and it is the only medicine you can overdose on, and it will NOT hurt you!

The Medical Profession says Laughter has the following HEALTH BENEFITS:
1-Relief from stress
2-Sooths tensions
3-Improves your Immune System
4-Relieves Pain
5-Improves Mood
6-Relaxes your Muscles
7-Protects your Heart
8-Burns Calories
We thought we would include this section on our site to BLESS YOU!
So continue reading and take GOD’S MEDICINE!

1)A man was walking in the woods, and all of a sudden a big grisly Bear was roaring at him.
He was so scared he prayed, “God please turn this grisly Bear into a Christian Bear.”
All of a sudden the Bear was calm. Then the Bear said, “Dear God, thank you for this food
I am about to eat!”

2)A woman had just come home from Bible Study. She lived alone but she heard something in her home.
It was a burglar! All of a sudden she said, Acts 2:38 Repent and be baptized!
The burglar froze. She called the police and they came immediately and arrested him.
The police asked him, “Why did you give up so easy?” He said, that lady is CRAZY she has a AXE and Two 38’s!

3)Two men were standing in line in Heaven. One a New Your City Cab Driver and the other a Pastor.
The Apostle Peter gave the Cab Driver a Beautiful Silk Robe and a Golden Staff.
Peter gave the Pastor a Cotton Robe and a Wooden Staff.
The Pastor complained. Peter said, “We do things here based upon results.
When you preached people fell asleep and when the Cab Driver drove they PRAYED!”

4)A lightening bolt hit a Church and Satan appeared. Everyone ran out of the Church
except one lady sitting on the front row.
Satan said, “Do you know who I am?” She said, “Yes.” Satan said, “Are you afraid of me?” She said, “No,”
Satan said, “Why not?” She said, “I have been married to your brother for 40 years!”

5)A Black man and a White man worked together. They argued all the time.
The Black man said, “I believe Jesus was Black.”
The White man said, “Jesus was White.”
They both died. They were in heaven and they continued to argue.
The Black man said, “Finally I am going to show you Jesus is Black.”
The White man said, “Finally I am going to show you Jesus is White.”
They both go to the Throne of God.
Jesus has his back to them. Then Jesus turns around and greets them both and says, “Buenos Dias Senor.”

6)A man asked God, “What is a Million Years to you?” God said, ” A minute.”
The man asked God, “What is a Million Dollars to you?” God said, ” A penny.”
The man asked God, “Can I have a Penny?” God said, ” In a minute.”

7)An Evangelist was new in town.
He asked a little boy. “Can you give me directions to the post office?”
Then the Evangelist asked the little boy “Would you like to attend my Evangelist Meeting tonight
so I can show you how to get to Heaven?”
The little boy said, “No.”
The Evangelist said “Why” The little boy said, “If you do not know how to get to the Post Office
how can you show me how to get to Heaven?”

8)A 50 Year man was sleeping and his Mother awakened him and she said, “Son, it is time to get up
and go to Church.” He said, “I do not want to go to Church.”
His Mother said “Why not?” He said, “Two reasons.”
Number one, “I do not like those people at Church.”
Nummer two, “They do not like me at Church.”
His Mother said, “I am going to tell you two reasons you are going to Church.”
Number one, “You are a 50 year old man living in my house.”
Number two, “YOU ARE THE PASTOR!”

9)A Church Member asked his Pastor for Prayer for his hearing.
The Pastor placed his hands on his ears and prayed for his hearing.
The Pastor said, “How is your hearing?”
The Church Member said, “I do not know I don’t go to Court until next Tuesday.”

10)A Pastor came home from the grocery store and saw his receipt said the name Christian on it.
He called the Store Manager and said, “There must be a mistake you gave me the wrong receipt it says
the name Christian on it.
The Store Manager said, “That is the correct receipt. “The Pastor said, “No it is not we do not have any Christians in our Church.”

11)In Heaven men were standing in two separate lines. One line was for men that were not the leaders of their households. The other line was for men that were the leaders of their households and only one man was in that line. God said, “I am ashamed of you men that were not leaders of your households.” The man that was the leader of his household God asked him “how did you get in this line?” The man said, “I don’t know my wife told me to stand here.”

12)A Pastor said, “I want to do something different today. During the Praise and Worship I would like a first time visitor to pick 3 hymns.” So the Pastor asked a lady in a Red Dress sitting on the front row. She said, Okay, I pick him, him and him!”

13)A Plane was going to crash. Four people were on board but only 3 parachutes were available. A Doctor, A Rocket Scientist who was the World’s Smartest Man, A Pastor and a 12 year old Boy. The Doctor grabbed a parachute and said my patients need me and jumped out. The Rocket Scientist the World’s Smartest Man grabbed a parachute and said the World needs my Knowledge and jumped out. Only one parachute was left. The Pastor said, to the 12  year old Boy, “I am old and my life is almost over you take the parachute because you have your entire life ahead of you.”  The 12 year old boy said, “No there are still 2 parachutes left because the World’s Smartest Man jumped out with my backpack!”

14)A Cruise Director asked “Does anyone on board know how to Pray?”  One man said, “Yes.” The Cruise Director said, “Good, because we are short one life raft.”

15)Little Ashley was really confused so she told her Mother. Her Mother asked Why? Ashley said, “Daddy told me we came from monkeys but you told me people came from God.” “I don’t understand?” Her Mother said, “all of my side of the family came from God. All of Daddy’s side of the family came from monkeys!”

16)The Sunday School Teacher said, “I want everyone to memorize the 23rd Psalm and recite it in front of the class.” So little Johnnie was trying to memorize it but he just could not. The day was approaching where he would need to recite it and he did not know what to do. So the day came and he did not have it memorized and he went up before the class and said, “The Lord is my Shepherd and that is all I need to know!”

17)A man trained his horse to go when he said, “Praise the Lord” and stop when he said, “Woe.”  So he said, “Praise the Lord!” the horse took off running fast, faster and even faster. Then the man said, “Woe” right at the edge of a cliff and the man was so relieved the horse did not go off the cliff. Then he said, “Praise the Lord!”

18)A Pastor asked a Married Couple “what are the 3 Most Important Words in Marriage?” The wife said, “I Love You!” Then the Pastor asked the Husband the same question. Then the Husband had a confused look on his face and said, “What’s for Dinner?”

19)A little boy was in front of the class and he told them God told him “You must have a Degree to get into Heaven.” The kids said, “What kind of Degree?” “A PHD?” He said, “No” A Masters Degree? “He said, No” A Bachelor of Science Degree? “He said, No” He finally told them “You must have a B.A. Degree,” You Must be Born Again!”

20)What kind of lights did Noah have on the Ark? Floodlights!